Electronic Medical Records and Revenue Cycle Management in one automated system to increase revenue, simplify workflows and enhance patient experiences.
U.S. Based Customer Support
99.99% Reimbursement
Hundreds of Happy Customers
8 Locations
11 Therapists
20 Locations
18 Therapists
3 Locations
8 Therapists
4 Locations
6 Therapists
5 Therapists
Don't take our word for it. Our work speaks for itself:
BCBS of Texas paid $323.53 to a client in Austin, TX.
AARP paid $197.39 to a client in Reno, NV.
Everyone’s tired of fees. It’s why we eliminated them... forever
Downtime? No such thing when you’re with the good guys
Our team holds your hand throughout every step (with white gloves on, of course)
You always have access to a human... no robots here.
Our team will walk you through our EMR and RCM products plus show you how we can increase your reimbursement to 99.99%!