Build trust with your healthtech startup | Derrick Khor (Founder of Adopt-A-Doc)


Derrick Khor is the Founder of Adopt-A-Doc. Adopt-A-Doc is made up of experienced, actively serving clinicians who are looking to connect and help the next generation of healthcare innovators. Hailing from a diverse background and experiences, we leverage our network to provide tailored insights to innovators looking to build products in the healthcare space.

In this episode, Derrick talks about:
-How did he create Adopt-A-Doc
-Applications of AI in healthcare
-What is a medical device
-Why trust is so important in healthcare
-What you should think about before entering

Episode Highlight: “One of the most important advice is to really understand why you’re in, why you’re coming into this healthcare space. Because it’s a terribly slow and terribly difficult space to operate in. it’s not uncommon to hear someone really slogging off for two to three years to four years before they get their first paying customer and the more deep tech they’re going into the longer the process is going to take and you’re lost cost of opportunity where you can make a lot more money doing something else or working a stable job…

So understanding why you’re doing this is very very important what’s your north style what motivates you what drives you to go through the levels of insanity to actually build something to really drag it out from the fiery pits of despair. I think that’s the first most important thing because if you’re not in it for the right reasons just like if you’re not in health care for the right reasons you’re going to burn out very quickly and might as well not waste your time doing this.”

How to reach Derrick:

How to reach Zain:

Links to other platforms to listen:
-Apple Podcast:
-And all other platforms! Just search “digital thoughts podcast”
-If it is not on the one you use send me a message and I will get it on there

Things referenced in the episode:
-Never Split the Difference:

Music used:
-Daystar – Sugar Cookie

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