Entrepreneurship is a journey


Paul Singh is CEO at StrataPT. Strata is a single EMR platform and revenue Cycle Management Service for Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy practices that helps you achieve a 99.99% reimbursement rate. They’re the most comprehensive EMR paired with world-class customer service to help you increase revenue, simplify workflows, and enhance patient experience all in one platform.

In this episode, Paul talks about:
– How he got on the ground floor of AOL and what it taught him about entrepreneurship
– How his background helped him succeed
– How he started his first business and how one customer changed his life
– Why he values a work life balance

Episode Highlight: “The minute you try to take a step forward in whatever way is right for you, the world tries to pull you back. Not because they’re bad people or rude or terrible but because that’s how they, your friends and family, know to love you. Here’s the part that that really pissed me off as a kid. The minute you agreed the minute you listened the minute you stopped, you became vanilla? the world didn’t care about you anymore.”

How to reach Paul:
– LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulsingh/
– Twitter: https://twitter.com/paulsingh
– StrataPT: https://www.stratapt.com/
– Email: paul@stratapt.com

How to reach Zain:
– LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zainmsyed/
– Twitter: https://twitter.com/zainsyedpharmd/
– Newsletter: https://zainsyed.substack.com/

Things referenced in the episode:

– The Charisma Myth: https://www.amazon.com/Charisma-Myth-Science-Personal-Magnetism/dp/1591845947

– Paul’s early talks: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=paul+singh+500+startups

– Marty Neumeier: https://www.martyneumeier.com/

– Chris Do: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thechrisdo/

– Never Split the Difference: https://www.amazon.com/Never-Split-Difference-Negotiating

StrataPT: https://www.stratapt.com/
Alpha Sophia: https://share-eu1.hsforms.com/1Q7Uc54g8SsiAE3Yu7vVmlQfm7x4 Sponsor digital thoughts: https://forms.gle/2Hny8VWrjGJtxAYW7

Music used:

  • Daystar – Sugar Cookie

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Please consider donating to the less fortunate. This is a reminder not only for you but also for myself.

Here is a charity I donate to: https://irusa.org/

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I hope you have a great day!

Digital Thoughts is a Strata Studios show that talks about all things digital health, from the people to the products they build.

If you’d like to learn more about Strata EMR & RCM and achieving a 99.99% reimbursement rate for your PT, OT or SLP Clinic head over to stratapt.com and book a call with our team! 

If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, reach out to Thomas Schreiber, our Director of Marketing at hello@stratapt.com

To become a Strata Studios creator apply here!