AMERICAN SPECIALTY HEALTH Reimbursement Rates in New York

Accepting AMERICAN SPECIALTY HEALTH in New York shouldn't be mysterious. We share our aggregate data -- whether you're a client of ours or not.

AMERICAN SPECIALTY HEALTH Reimbursement Rates for Physical Therapy Practices in New York

Physical Therapy Practice Benchmarks in New York

Average Reimbursement Per Visit

While negotiated reimbursement rates between AMERICAN SPECIALTY HEALTH and a healthcare provider are confidential, we can give you a general sense for AMERICAN SPECIALTY HEALTH's reimbursement rates by looking at the aggregate data across StrataPT's customers.

Recent Visit CPT Code Combinations

Data refreshed 12 hours ago
Codes and Units Units Total Reimbursement Average Per Unit
97110 x 1 (No Assistant), 97112 x 1 (No Assistant), 97530 x 2 (No Assistant)
4 units @ $17.00 average per unit
$68.00 total reimbursement

Top Healthcare Payers in New York



paid in 5 days

1199 SEIU


paid in 87 days

Medicare of New York


paid in 16 days

Medicare of New York (Upstate)


paid in 14 days

Medicare of New York (Queens)


paid in 17 days



paid in 21 days

BCBS of Western NY (Highmark)


paid in 12 days

BCBS New York


paid in 41 days

Empire Plan NYSHIP


paid in 12 days

United Health Care


paid in 26 days



paid in NaN days



paid in 46 days

Independent Health


paid in 19 days

CPT copyright 2024 American Medical Association.

All rights reserved. Fee schedules, relative value units, conversion factors and/or related components are not assigned by the AMA, are not part of CPT, and the AMA is not recommending their use. The AMA does not directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical services. The AMA assumes no liability for data contained or not contained herein.

Frequently Asked Questions

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This is the total amount you currently spend for EMR, scheduling or other software used to run your practice on a daily basis.

This is the total amount you currently spend for billing services. Typically this is the total monthly expense of your billing team (including salaries, benefits, clearinghouse fees, USPS postage and more) or the monthly fees paid to your billing service.

+$11,397.21 additional cash each month for your practice