Making the Switch From Reactive to Proactive Care – Interview with Dr. Rebekah Griffith, DPT – Part 2

In this compelling second part of my conversation with Dr. Rebekah Griffith, we dive deeper into the evolving landscape of physical therapy and its role in transforming patient care. Building on the themes from Part 1, Dr. Griffith and I discuss the concept of “top of scope” practice—redefining how physical therapy is delivered and challenging the traditional settings where it’s provided.

Dr. Griffith explores the urgent need to shift from reactive to proactive care. She critiques the current system where physical therapists often operate in silos, waiting for referrals rather than reaching out to patients in need. This episode addresses the gaps in our approach, highlighting how the profession can move upstream to prevent complex health issues from arising in the first place.

She highlights the real-world challenges faced by manual laborers, like HVAC technicians, who are at risk of losing their jobs due to health issues such as dizziness. Dr. Griffith argues for a transformation in how we address such problems, advocating for direct engagement with employers to provide preventative care and comprehensive management solutions that can keep skilled workers employed and functional. 

She emphasizes the need for physical therapists to take a leadership role in care coordination, moving beyond traditional clinic settings to offer services that include managing insurance, accompanying patients to appointments, and integrating with community wellness programs. By building and monetizing communities, PTs can proactively address health issues before they escalate, ultimately reducing downstream costs and improving patient outcomes. 

This episode challenges healthcare professionals to expand their mindset and skill set, encouraging them to adopt innovative approaches and educational reforms to practice at the top of their scope.

Episode Highlight: “Your current model, your current tertiary setup model waiting for people isn’t going to disappear because people are still going to need it. But you need to bolt on this other work. You need to keep moving further and further upstream so that yes, you have this solution for people, but you’re solving problems for more people.”

What’s Best For The Patient Is Best For Business is a Strata Studios podcast that helps healthcare and physio Practice owners who want growth, scalability, and financial performance in their businesses! We focus on connecting together all the touch points in the business to create patient success!

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