The most powerful tool for building a PT clinic (Feat. Rafi Salazar)


On this episode of Strata Stories, we talk with Rafael Salazar the owner & CEO of ProActive Rehab & Wellness 

We dive into:
1. The power of mindset
2. The importance of working on the right projects
3. Challenging invisible scripts
4. And lastly why taking time off is key to success

Connect with Rafi on LinkedIn here!

Episode Highlight: “I talked to a lot of practice owners who want the magic bullet. They say..”Give me the script, give me the copy that I got to put on the landing page. Give me the script that my office manager is going to use to call these patients or my care coordinator is going to use to call this patient that’s going to get them to show up.”

The idea is not that you’re running through this rigid if-then statement thing where it’s a script. It should be more of a conversation and it should be really person-centered.

Strata Stories are conversations between Strata’s CEO, Paul Singh, and leaders in the OT & PT world. We interview practice owners, therapists, consultants, and coaches disrupting healthcare to make a positive change!

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