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Now that 2020 is here, there is a new CMS rule that will affect your physical therapy practice, and it includes PTA and OTA modifiers.
Previous changes to the Medicare ID format will be required beginning January 1st, 2020. Learn more about the requirements in this article.
In this article, we will break down what was proposed for 2020, and what will actually take place (hint: it’s not what many experts were expecting).
Making Sense of the Two Billing Rules Previously, we’ve discussed Medicare’s 8 Minute Rule and the complexities associated with these guidelines. However, some non-federally funded insurance companies use the American Medical Association’s (AMA) 8 Minute Rule guideline instead. Are there discrepancies between these two 8 minute rules? Unfortunately, there are and it can complicate your […]
Dry Needling Dry needling is an important part of the physical therapist scope of practice and there has been confusion in the past of how it should be coded and billed. One of the CMS proposed rulings for 2020 could possible clarify this situation. The CMS is proposing two new CPT codes for dry needling. […]
The 85% Ruling One of the CMS proposed rulings would go into effect on January 1st, 2022. Any claim provided in whole or in part by a PTA or OTA, beginning on or after that date, will be paid at 85 percent of the otherwise applicable payment amount for the service. This would directly affect […]
In this article, we will examine the CQ and CO modifiers and the gray areas that exist in the new proposed CMS rules for 2020 to clarify these situations.
HCPCS Level II codes are used for billing Medicare and Medicaid patients, as well as some third-party payers. Learn more about how to use these codes here.
Physical therapists should be aware that there are several common reimbursement issues that are outlined in the Coding and Payment Guide. Listed in this article are 5 issues that physical therapists should take into consideration.