#1 Ranked EMR and Billing System in
Outpatient Therapy & Rehab from KLAS Research
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Drum roll, please! Welcome our new CEO, Paul Singh to the Strata Team!
StrataPT is among second-stage businesses competing to earn the prestigious honor of GrowFL's 2019 Companies to Watch award.
Many physical therapy billing and EMR companies have means in which feature requests can be suggested. Some use a community message board, while others ask you to send an email to an address that is so generic you wonder if it has even been received. Then you have others that well…simply just don’t want to hear your request at all.
All of our employees from tech support to billing specialists are located in the US. We don't outsource overseas and never will. Our clients deserve US-based support and shouldn't have to worry if it's raining in Uzbekistan!
We get it! In the outpatient physical therapy industry, there are so many things to keep track of. With each insurance payer intentionally developing different rules and regulations, it seems almost impossible to keep up with the ever-changing tactics that they throw at you in an attempt to deny claims. How would you answer the following? 1.) How […]
In the coming weeks, CMS will start rolling out new Medicare numbers for each beneficiary. If you provide physical therapy services to Medicare patients, below are the top 5 things you should know. So in conclusion, we recommend that all physical therapy providers start requesting a copy of the most recent Medicare card issued to their patients […]
There were multiple changes made to the 2018 Medicare fee schedule – some that will work in your favor and another that will not. Let’s start with a simple breakdown on how the Medicare fee schedule is determined: Payment = Conversion Factor * (RVU [Practice Expense] + RVU [Work Expense] + RVU [Malpractice]) Conversion Factor: […]
Click Here to read the most recent update! For physical and speech therapy combined, the therapy cap is $2,010. For occupational therapy, the therapy cap is $2,010. The exceptions process (appendage of the KX modifier) allowing payment abovethis cap expires on December 31, 2017. Without extension, any treatment above $2,010 will be the beneficiary’sresponsibility. However, […]
But what if you didn’t have to pick? As a business owner and a mom to two very young children, I understand the struggle of wanting to build a business yet still be a very present parent. My entrepreneurial side yearns to grind it out, generate jobs around the country, and provide a phenomenal product […]