Start a Healthcare Business with No Funding


How do you start a healthcare business with no funding?

Let’s play a constrain-based game. You are a clinician and want to start a business that leverages your clinical degree/skills. It can be direct clinical care (like a practice), some sort of clinical innovation (like a device/invention) or an infrastructure play (like a software or professional services solution). Here’s the constraint:  You can’t get any outside funding for this venture. No loans & no investors; you’re bootstrapping this thing. You are going to start a healthcare business with no funding.

Here’s what you want for this business:

It can provide the same (ideally higher) income as you would earn as a staff clinician in a relatively short timeframe (you don’t want to spend 5 years in side gig mode)
It can scale without your direct input (you eventually don’t want to be the one directly providing the service or solution)

What we cover in this Episode:

-Understanding some of the drivers that lead people to choose healthcare as a career
-Creating digital (or in-person) communities for healthcare providers
-Using content and knowledge translation to start a healthcare business that doesn’t require patient care
-How to craft a value proposition for your healthcare business
-Leveraging technology to start & scale a business that leverages your clinical skills
-Achieving Better Outcomes by taking control of your healthcare career through business ownership

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The Better Outcomes show is a Strata Studios podcast that explores the possibilities of a new healthcare system. Guests range from clinicians trying new techniques and treatments to executives and entrepreneurs exploring new service delivery methods, business models, and organizational structures.
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If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, reach out to Thomas Schreiber, our Director of Marketing at