#1 Ranked EMR and Billing System in
Outpatient Therapy & Rehab from KLAS Research
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Michael & Paul discuss how innovation and patient experience can increase revenue and directly impact the profitability of a clinic.
Jerry and Hunter share strategies on how to better support front-desk staff to elevate your therapy practice to the next level.
Rafi educates on medical bills, the roles of payors, and how insurance contracts affects prices for providers and consumers.
Jerry teaches the metrics and tactics to get above a 90% arrival rate at your clinic. He covers aspects from before the first phone call to an arrival at the first visit.
Jerry and Tony discuss strategies to fight against obstacles in running a successful therapy business. From the front desk to patient engagement. these tactics will take your clinic to the next level.
Owen and Brian share industry insights to stay profitable, improve patient care, and develop new strategies to stand out above the rest.
The class discusses how to master patient financial responsibility conversations at your practice with these tips. Expectations and communication are key!