#1 Ranked EMR and Billing System in
Outpatient Therapy & Rehab from KLAS Research
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There are so many things to focus on when starting a PT clinic, but it's crucial to get this particular element correct from the start
Mastering Accounts Receivable can be scary, but the success of your clinic depends on it! Kaitlin walks you though key mistakes to avoid!
One element most practice owners don't think about is creating an exit strategy. Amit guides you through key tips for preparing your clinic.
Building a great practice comes down to understanding your numbers. Justin gives a behind-the-scenes look at the key metrics he tracks!
You're not just a brick-and-mortar PT clinic, you're a knowledge dissemination unit with numerous revenue stream options
Building your first PT clinic can be intimidating - Lauren shares tough lessons learned and how you can avoid them yourself!
Reducing cancellations is a HUGE part of growing your PT practice. Owners need to spend more time understanding why someone canceled.
Restructuring payer contracts is challenging, but in this episode, Justin Stiver will share tips on how to negotiate successfully.