#1 Ranked EMR and Billing System in
Outpatient Therapy & Rehab from KLAS Research
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Building a great team is vital to your clinic's success, but make sure you're approaching recruitment with the right mind set.
Understanding cash flow is one of the most important parts of running any business. Make sure you follow these tips from Ben!
Understanding costs is a big part of running a clinic. In this episode, we'll help you understand where to cut costs & become more efficient
Tracking metrics is crucial, but knowing which metrics are MOST important is what separates the good from the great clinics.
Marketing is something most physical and occupational therapy clinics struggle with. Jimmy shares tons of tips to make marketing easy!
Building relationships with doctors can be a huge revenue stream, but before you dive in understand how to structure these partnerships!
There are many threats to the PT industry, but declining reimbursement isn't one of them. Recruiting is a far more serious issue to solve.